About the Database

The Kentucky Room has been indexing obituaries in the Owensboro newspapers since 1977. The online database has been live since 2006. It is updated almost daily by Kentucky Room staff. All items indicating a death in Western Kentucky or Southern Indiana are added. Individuals who died in other locations are included if it is stated that they were former residents or if they had relatives in the area.

The Simple Search form allows you to search by name and date. The Advanced Search form allows you to search by the additional data fields. The obituary date field can be searched by a year, month & year or a range of dates.

Errors can be made by the person doing the indexing. If you come across an indexing error in the database, please contact the Kentucky Room. Note: If the obituary itself has incorrect information, we will need to check other sources to verify and correct the entry. The incorrect information will still be noted so that the researcher will know what to look for when searching the newspaper.

The Source codes for the various newspapers are as follows:

  • KO = Kentucky Oil Journal
  • KR = Kentucky Reporter 
  • ME = Owensboro Messenger & Examiner 
  • MI = Owensboro Messenger & Inquirer 
  • MO = Owensboro Monitor 
  • OB = Owensboro Bulletin 
  • OE = Owensboro Examiner 
  • OG = Owensboro Gazette 
  • OI = Owensboro Inquirer 
  • OM = Owensboro Messenger 
  • OS = Owensboro Star 
  • OT = Owensboro Daily Tribune 
  • OW = Owensboro Weekly Messenger 
  • SE = Owensboro Semi-Weekly Messenger & Examiner 
  • SM = Owensboro Semi-Weekly Messenger 
  • SS = Southern Shield 
  • TM = Owensboro Tri-Weekly Messenger 
  • WI = Whitesville Independent Press 

All files on this website are copyrighted. Although public records are as such not copyrightable, the manner in which they are presented, including the notes, comments, etc. are. The database may be linked to and the data may be freely used for personal research. The full abstracts may not be reproduced in their entirety on another website or in any other form, without specific permission.